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Patricia Cumper explains how she got started as a radio writer, and single-handedly wrote a Jamaican radio soap with unexpected reach.
Rose Collis explains the full-circle of her writing and performing career, and shares a treasured possession from her biographee Nancy Spain.
Sebastian Baczkiewicz explains his inadvertent start as a dramatic writer, and reveals where he found his first 'proper' idea.
Aisha Zia explains how she moved from image editor to playwright, and how she came to be involved with site-specific, community-based theatre.
Elizabeth Speller explains how she got her start as a writer and then a novelist, and warns against writing about trains.
John Pilkington shares several tales of serendipity, showing how luck has played a part in his literary life.
Jon Hotten takes us on a tour of 'thwarted masculinity' including big boxers, hairy rockers and ... um... cricket.
James Sherwood presents a sample of his fashion-related literature, written for both commercial publishers and discerning private clients.
Philip Osment describes his literary coming-out from acting to writing, and the need to explore fresh source material as a writer's career progresses.
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