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Gwyneth Lewis speaks with John Greening about the unpredictable inspiration of a self-described ‘odd mind’, the attraction of sequences and the importance of fun as a motivator, writing about her astronaut cousin and the influence of Joseph Brodsky.

Donny O’Rourke explores how his Catholic upbringing inspired and shaped his writing career and describes how his search for faith continues to influence his work.

Max Eilenberg speaks with John Siddique about the importance of love in children’s fiction, his previous career in publishing, retelling a traditional fairytale and his enduring enthusiasm for the work of Bob Dylan.


Ali Knight explores the murky depths of the Grand Union Canal in Londonand explains how it inspires her crime fiction.

John Greening takes us to the poetic village of Little Gidding and its nearby literary landmarks.

Miranda Miller introduces us to Henry James’ Lamb House in Rye and its connections with various writers.

Poets have always looked inward. They have always been fascinated by transformation. Few, however, have considered how the act of writing poetry itself might change them. The poet John Greening looks within, and behind, and finds himself changed.

Robyn Bolam speaks with Julia Copus about Eliza’s Babes, her anthology showcasing four centuries of women’s poetry.

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