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Illustration by Fran Pulido of woman by window thinking what to write with book birds flying past window.
Collected Audio

Philip Caveney – Why I Write

My version culminated in Attila and the Pope having a duel to the death outside the gates of Rome; as…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

David Spencer – Why I Write

You’re a man now lad, you’ve got to be strong for your mother. So that’s what I did. I stood…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Katie Grant – Why I Write

Except for the supremely confident, the arrogant and the self-deluded, writing is an unsatisfactory occupation of wickedly high highs and…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of woman by window thinking what to write with book birds flying past window.
Collected Audio

Annie Caulfield – Why I Write

As I sulked around chilly convent corridors, I imagined that a writing life would be all late rising and escaping…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Alyson Hallett – Why I Write

It’s a messy process too. Full of delight and verve and sparkle, as well as failure, submission, defeat.

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Gavin Weightman – Why I Write

Sometimes it’s exciting, and I wish the British Library had a room where you could roar with delight when an…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Jim Kelly – Why I Write

A shy child, I particularly liked the idea that your fame was concentrated in those letters on the cover. You…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Paul Sayer – Why I Write

In those days only one in a thousand aspiring authors ever actually made it into print, and I felt I…