
Birkbeck, University of London

Current Fellow(s)

Emma John
Led By

Emma John

Born near Luton in 1978, Emma John is the author of three nonfiction books whose writing spans numerous fields. As…

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Kathryn Hughes
Led By

Kathryn Hughes

Kathryn Hughes is a nonfiction writer, specialising in the nineteenth century. Her first book, which was based on her PhD,…

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Former Fellow(s)

Led By

Stephen Sharkey

Stephen Sharkey is a playwright. He grew up in Liverpool and then studied classics at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. Throughout…

Anna Reynolds|Anna Reynolds
Led By

Anna Reynolds

Anna Reynolds is a playwright, fiction writer, drama writing coach, editor, mentor, writing facilitator and arts project producer. She has…

Michelene Wandor
Led By

Michelene Wandor

Michelene Wandor is a playwright, poet, fiction writer and musician. She is the first woman playwright to have had a…

Online Help

Essay Guide

A comprehensive guide to essay writing, covering all the stages of the essay development process.

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Dissertation Guide

A comprehensive guide to essay writing, covering all the stages of the essay development process.

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