
News & Features

Check out the latest news from the RLF, WritersMosaic highlights, and Collected – our collection of interviews, reflections and articles exploring the literary life and world of writers today.

Abandoned swimming pool
Collected Article

Abandoned Buildings

Rhiannon Tise on why she is obsessed with abandoned buildings. Rhiannon Tise’s fascination with abandoned buildings and derelict man-made spaces…

A moment with Jon Hotten
Collected Video

Boxers And Bad Haircuts

Jon Hotten on big boxers, hairy rockers – and cricket! Jon Hotten takes us on a tour of ‘thwarted masculinity’…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Caitlin Davies – Why I Write

Many times I’ve said I’ve had I enough, I’m getting a real job; I can’t take the uncertainty anymore. Then…

Doug Johnstone
Collected Podcast

Doug Johnstone

Doug Johnstone speaks with Cherise Saywell about circuitous careers, conflicted masculinity and Tartan Noir Doug Johnstone speaks with Cherise Saywell…

Children's party balloons
Collected Article

When Memory Distils Into Fiction

Miranda Miller on a childhood experience that profoundly affected her. Miranda Miller describes how a troubling encounter in childhood has…

Old fashioned camera
Collected Podcast

Elanor Dymott & Alex Martin

Elanor Dymott explains how research nearly derailed her career, and Alex Martin considers action vs. contemplation. Elanor Dymott explains how…