
News & Features

Check out the latest news from the RLF, WritersMosaic highlights, and Collected – our collection of interviews, reflections and articles exploring the literary life and world of writers today.

RLF News Article

My Writing Life: Paula Hawkins

Paula Hawkins worked as a journalist for fifteen years before turning to fiction. She is the author of two #1 New York…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Podcast

Writing versus Life, part 2

In the second part of our investigation into ‘Writing versus life’, RLF writers examine the pitfalls that face writers who…

A still image from the film 'The Zone of Interest'.
WritersMosaic Article

Imaging Auschwitz

Is it possible to depict dramatically The Holocaust without descending into morbid fascination?

An image of two women balancing upside down on a beach in front of a sunset.
Collected Podcast

The World Beyond the Desk

Royal Literary Fund writers explore the link between creativity and the world beyond the desk, touching on the role of…

John Greening
Collected Podcast

John Greening in conversation

John Greening speaks with Caroline Sanderson about discovering that poetry was his calling, and discusses his wide-ranging career in verse,…