
News & Features

Check out the latest news from the RLF, WritersMosaic highlights, and Collected – our collection of interviews, reflections and articles exploring the literary life and world of writers today.

Collected Podcast

CD Rose

CD Rose tells Ann Morgan about the joys and challenges of blurring fact and fiction. CD Rose speaks with Ann…

Lesley Glaister
Collected Podcast

Lesley Glaister

Lesley Glaister talks to Caroline Sanderson about the mysteries of the creative process, and the blend of dark and light…

Writing on a train
Collected Podcast

How I Write, part 4

In ‘How I Write’, RLF writers discuss their favourite places to work. In this installment of ‘How I Write’, we…

Jamie Lee Searle
Collected Podcast

Jamie Lee Searle

Jamie Lee Searle speaks with Ann Morgan about translation and how it feeds into her other writing. Jamie Lee Searle…

Alan Jenkins
Collected Podcast

Alan Jenkins

Alan Jenkins speaks with John Greening about his career as an award-winning poet and critic. Alan Jenkins speaks with John…

Michaela Morgan
Collected Podcast

Michaela Morgan

Michaela Morgan speaks with Ann Morgan about her experience as a poet and children’s writer. Michaela Morgan speaks with Ann…

Poppy bud
Collected Podcast

How I Write, part 3

In ‘How I Write’, RLF writers explore the age-old question of where ideas come from and how they get transformed…

Jeremy Treglown
Collected Podcast

Jeremy Treglown

Jeremy Treglown speaks with Ann Morgan about his career as a literary biographer and critic. Jeremy Treglown speaks with Ann…

Gloomy chair
Collected Podcast

Poetry Break with Emily Berry

Poetry Break: Emily Berry and Julia Copus discuss ‘I’ll Come When Thou Art Saddest’ by Emily Brontë. Emily Berry and…

Lottie Moggach
Collected Podcast

Lottie Moggach

Lottie Moggach speaks with Catherine O’Flynn about the joys and challenges of writing novels. Lottie Moggach speaks with Catherine O’Flynn…

Writing tools
Collected Podcast

How I Write, part 2

In ‘How I Write’, RLF writers discuss the different tools and technologies that help them produce their work. In this…

Brian Clegg
Collected Podcast

Brian Clegg

Brian Clegg speaks with Caroline Sanderson about the joys and challenges of writing about science. Brian Clegg speaks with Caroline…