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Collected Audio

Trevor Day – Why I Write

As an itinerant marine biologist, I was washed ashore in London wondering what a marine scientist might do more than…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of woman by window thinking what to write with book birds flying past window.
Collected Audio

William Palmer – Why I Write

My childhood in the fifties was accompanied by the smells of papers and ink, and the clang and hiss of…

Goolies and Grog
Collected Video

Goolies And Grog

Trader Faulkner tells a tale of lost marbles, illicit whisky and how he got his unusual name. Trader Faulkner tells…

A Picture's Worth...
Collected Video

A Picture’s Worth…

Jane Bailey describes the significance of two very different photographs for her third novel. Jane Bailey describes the significance of…

Collected Video

Extreme Psychology

Angela Patmore speaks about her interest in extreme psychology, cerebral climaxes and her controversial research on stress. Angela Patmore speaks…

Toro and Torero
Collected Video

Toro And Torero

Trader Faulkner tells the tale of a most unusual bullfight. Trader Faulkner tells the tale of a most unusual bullfight.

Dog Book
Collected Video

Dog Book

Angela Patmore talks about her love of dogs and her latest dog book. Angela Patmore talks about her love of…

Collected Audio

Neil Hanson – Why I Write

I write because everyone’s got a book in them, and I want to get all mine published before the rush…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Esther Selsdon – Why I Write

The difference between me and my neighbour’s friend, I guess, was that, later that evening when I went home, I…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of woman by window thinking what to write with book birds flying past window.
Collected Audio

Philip Caveney – Why I Write

My version culminated in Attila and the Pope having a duel to the death outside the gates of Rome; as…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

David Spencer – Why I Write

You’re a man now lad, you’ve got to be strong for your mother. So that’s what I did. I stood…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Katie Grant – Why I Write

Except for the supremely confident, the arrogant and the self-deluded, writing is an unsatisfactory occupation of wickedly high highs and…