
News & Features

Check out the latest news from the RLF, WritersMosaic highlights, and Collected – our collection of interviews, reflections and articles exploring the literary life and world of writers today.

Jonathan Edwards
Collected Podcast

Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards speaks with John Greening about the Welsh poetic tradition, writing about family and his creative process. Jonathan Edwards…

To the lighthouse
Collected Article

Haunted By Virginia Woolf

Clare Morgan shares how Virginia Woolf’s work helped her find her literary voice and continues to inspire her writing. Clare…

Collected Podcast

Me And My Audience, part 2

In ‘Me And My Audience’, RLF writers share their experiences of encounters with readers. RLF writers explore the effects that…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Karl Whitney – Writer’s Block

Sometimes writer’s block and unrealised projects amount to the same thing. Research takes over, the idea dwarfs the actuality. Sometimes…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Tom Lee – Rejection

Years passed and I did not write the novel. During this time my contact with the agent became more sporadic…