RLF Fellowship Scheme Terms and Conditions
By accessing the RLF Fellowship scheme and booking an appointment with a Writing Fellow you indicate acceptance of the following:
- the Fellow’s service is free and confidential;
- the Fellow is not employed by the university/college/ library or funded by it; the Fellow is a self-employed published writer and provides an independent service as an external expert in writing;
- the Fellow is required to work within parameters established and monitored by the Royal Literary Fund (RLF), organiser and funder of the service; the Fellow may therefore be unable to assist with certain types of enquiry and, with reference to these parameters, has the right to refuse to provide the service to anyone;
- the Fellow and the RLF do not accept any liability for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other losses or damages of any kind arising from use of the service by a student; students retain sole responsibility for their own work.
Data protection and your privacy
The Royal Literary Fund stores the data you provide for the duration of the Fellowship. The Fellow also completes and retains a record of each tutorial session. This data is stored electronically. We collect and store this data solely for the purposes of providing the Fellowship service and monitoring the effectiveness of that service, and retain it only as long as is necessary for these purposes. Only RLF staff and contracted personnel have access, and that data is not shared with any third party. The university/college/library and its staff are not given access to your personal data.
If you have any queries about how the RLF handles your data, please contact: [email protected].