Anthony Vivis (1943-2013)
Anthony Vivis’ work has been produced by the Royal National Theatre, Royal Shakespeare Company and Royal Court, as well as the Bush and Soho Poly, and many other parts of the UK. He has written for cinema and television, as well as BBC Radio 3 and 4. His literary work has been published by Bloomsbury, Cape, the CUP, the OUP and others. His reviews have appeared in several publications, including the Independent and the Times Literary Supplement. Anthony has been given several awards, including the Italia Prize, theatre translation bursaries from the Arts Council of England and twice commended in the BCLA translation Competition.
Born in Sleaford, Lincs, in 1943, from 1962-65 Anthony studied Modern and Mediaeval Languages at Clare College, Cambridge. He began work was as a Dramaturgical Adviser to the theatre publisher/agent, Felix Bloch Erben, in (West) Berlin. Between 1967 and 1971 he worked for the Royal Shakespeare Company in London as Dramaturg. His work mainly consisted of reading, reporting on and translating contemporary German and French plays, as well as seeing productions of new plays in the UK and abroad. From 1977-83 he worked as Editor and Producer, mainly the Drama Department of BBC Radio, in London. Subsequently he became a freelance writer and translator, living in the Suffolk village of Westley Waterless and in Norwich, from where he continued to teach for the University of East Anglia and the Open University.