
Jeremy Treglown

Non-fiction writer


As a writer, critic, editor, teacher, literary trustee and prize-judge Jeremy Treglown has spent much of his career trying to promulgate clear, jargon-free writing. His time has been divided roughly equally between the professional literary world and that of university teaching.

His books include the first biography of Roald Dahl (1994), an edition of the letters of the Restoration poet Rochester, and lives of the novelist Henry Green, the short-story writer and critic V. S. Pritchett and the American journalist John Hersey. He also wrote an acclaimed cultural history of mid-twentieth-century Spain, Franco’s Crypt (2013). Work by him has been published in the New Yorker, Granta and many other magazines, and translated into Albanian, German, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish.

After teaching at Oxford and UCL he joined the staff of the Times Literary Supplement, first as arts editor, then for nine years as Editor. Subsequently, after a period at Princeton, he was a professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies at Warwick, where, with the poet David Morley, he began the university’s celebrated writing programme. Most recently he has been Chair of the Trustees of the Arvon Foundation, which has run writing courses since the late 1960s. He is currently researching Arvon’s history.

Professor Treglown has chaired the judges of the Booker prize and other literary awards, been a member of Council of the Royal Society of Literature and held fellowships at All Souls, the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center and the New York Public Library’s Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers.

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