
Judy Corbalis

Children's writer, Novelist


Judy Corbalis is a children’s writer, a novelist and short-story writer. She was born and brought up in New Zealand but now lives in London where she attended the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. She holds an Equity card, has worked in theatre and television and has an MA in Creative Writing from UEA. She has adapted her own children’s work for theatre and radio, has written and fronted television programmes for children, and worked extensively with literacy projects for children and young adults.

Judy’s first children’s book, The Wrestling Princess and Other Stories, won the Feminist Book Fortnight Children’s Book of the Year and she has been shortlisted twice for the Federation of Children’s Book Groups Awards, the Esther Glen Library Award and the Smarties Prize. Her short story, ‘The Bridesmaid’, appeared in the anthology, Contemporary Women’s Short Stories. Her first novel for adults, Tapu, was published in 1997 and her second novel, Mortmain, was published by Chatto in 2007. Judy also wrote a collection of short stories for Random House, NZ – The Shark That Ate My Father

Since 2002 she has been a Visiting Scholar and Fellow-Commoner at Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge.