
Paul Munden



Paul Munden is a poet published both in the UK and Australia. A Gregory Award winner in 1987, his early work appeared in Faber’s Poetry Introduction 7. He has since published five chapbooks and five full collections, including Analogue/Digital: New & Selected Poems (Smith|Doorstop, 2015) and Chromatic (UWA Publishing, 2017). His interest in Laurence Sterne is reflected in Asterisk, a book of poems with accompanying photographs of Shandy Hall (by Marion Frith). The Bulmer Murder chronicles an eighteenth-century crime committed in the Yorkshire village where he has lived for most of his life.

He is editor (or co-editor) of various journals and anthologies, including Metamorphic: 21st century poets respond to Ovid. For the British Council he has covered a number of scientific and humanitarian themes as conference poet and edited the anthology, Feeling the Pressure: Poetry and science of climate change (British Council, 2008).

For many years he was Director of the National Association of Writers in Education, supporting writers who work in schools, higher education and the community. In 2015, he took up a position at the University of Canberra, within the International Poetry Studies Institute, initiating an annual festival, Poetry on the Move.

His first paid literary work was as reader for Stanley Kubrick and he has recently returned to the world of film as co-developer of original screenplays. He has a strong interest in music and is working on a literary interpretation of the violinist Nigel Kennedy. For his own amusement, he plays both violin and piano.

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Paul Munden

Paul Munden



  • University of Leeds, Environment, 2022–2023
  • University of Leeds, Environment, 2019–2020