
Pauline Rowe



Dr Pauline Rowe is a poet. Her collection Waiting for the Brown Trout God (Headland Publications, 2009) reflects themes of origin, motherhood, madness and loss. She has five pamphlets, the most recent of which, The Weight of Snow (Maytree Press) won the 2021 Saboteur Award for Best Poetry Pamphlet.

Since 2006 Pauline has also been involved in community enterprises to promote writing. She founded and led the charity North End Writers until 2020; she was the first poet-in-residence with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, and the first writer-in-residence at Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool.

Pauline has a special interest in poetry and photography and is committed to collaborative work with other artists. Sleeping in the Middle, a joint work with photographer Alan J. Wilkinson was shown at Open Eye Gallery in May, 2018; The Allotments, a collaboration with David Lockwood and Arthur Lockwood was exhibited at the Victoria Gallery and Museum, Liverpool as part of the LOOK Biennial, 2019. She was facilitator and writer for the community project and exhibition Here & Now (2018) working with photographers Becky Warnock and Robert Parkinson. She worked with Wirral Hospitals’ School and Open Eye Gallery as the writer on Writing Through Photographs project, a recipient of the 2021 MaxLiteracy award.

She is an experienced editor, researcher and tutor. She is working on a new poetry collection around the themes of light, the body and image-making. She lives in Liverpool with her husband and the youngest of her six children.

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Pauline Rowe

Pauline Rowe


Current Fellowship

University of Chester, 2022–2024


[email protected]