
Polly Clark



Polly Clark is a poet. Her first collection of poetry, Kiss (Bloodaxe, 2000), was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation, and her second, Take Me With You, was a Poetry Book Society Choice and was short-listed for the T. S. Eliot Prize. Polly’s poems have been broadcast on BBC Radio 3 and 4, and have appeared in many publications including The Times, London Review of Books and the Independent. She has won the Mslexia International Poetry Competition twice, in 2004 and 2005. Between 2000 and 2004, Polly was poet-in-residence for the Southern Daily Echo in Southampton, a unique partnership between a newspaper and a writer, which was short-listed in the 2002 Arts & Business Awards.

Polly also writes short stories, some of which were published in Comma’s acclaimed Ellipsis series (2006). Her interest in translation and the literature of other countries has led her to devise and co-ordinate poetry translation exchanges between poets in the UK and those abroad, most recently in China and Israel. She lives on the west coast of Scotland and, in 2006, received a Scottish Arts Council Writers Award.