
Sabrina Broadbent

Non-fiction writer


A former head of English and English adviser, Sabrina is a novelist, journalist and part-time English and film studies teacher at Hornsey School, north London.

Descent (2004) won the WH Smith ‘Raw Talent’ award and is a tragicomedy about motherhood, madness and marriage.  As testament to the many hours of her life spent on the Tube, her second novel, A Boy’s Guide to Track and Field (2006), is set on the Victoria Line. Sabrina’s journalism includes a critique of our school examinations system (‘How to break the spirit of a child’, The Times, 2006) and reasons for the UK’s teenage pregnancy rate (‘Let’s talk about sex’, The Guardian, 2004). She has written many books for schools and colleges on all aspects of English teaching.

She is occasionally wheeled out as the token woman on BBC Radio 4’s literary quiz, The Write Stuff.