
Sophie Duffy



Sophie Duffy is an award-winning novelist who writes about the complications and joys of family relationships. As a Generation X-er, she has a particular interest in the seventies, eighties, and nineties. Her debut novel The Generation Game (2011) won both the Yeovil Literary prize and the Luke Bitmead bursary which led to publication by Legend Press. She has since had a further three novels published by Legend: This Holey Life (2012), Bright Stars (2015), and Betsy and Lilibet (2018). Sophie also writes romantic comedies under the pen name Lizzie Lovell. Her first non-fiction book D is for Death will be published by Hero Press in Spring 2024.

Sophie has worked in education for three decades, as a primary-school teacher in London and a youth worker in Devon. For the last ten years she has mentored emerging novelists online and face-to-face. In addition to this, she is part of the team of Creative Writing Matters who administer and longlist the Exeter novel prize.

She has an English and Women’s Studies first degree and a Masters in Creative Writing both from Lancaster University and a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from the University of Greenwich. She is a member of the Society of Authors and the Romantic Novelists’ Association. She lives on the Wirral.

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