
Tina Pepler



Tina Pepler began her writing career as a radio dramatist and still loves that medium, though she is now just as busy with TV and film. She often uses fact as inspiration for her fiction, and has also written many dramatisations and documentaries. She loves research and using personal interviews as part of her creative process. Her work ranges from issue-based factual dramas to co-authorship of an episode in the first series of Downton Abbey and three episodes of Most Mysterious Murders. Projects in development include a second series about NGO workers for BBC Radio 4, and a long-cherished idea for a television drama about water and engineers. She is adapting her Channel 4 screenplay Princes in the Tower for the stage, and her radio serial Sisters into a trilogy of novels.

Tina belongs to Bristol Novelists, a group that meets to critique one member’s work every week. Since 2007 she has been a writing mentor for Integrate Bristol, a charity that works towards integration of young people arriving from other cultures. Tina has tutored at the Arvon Foundation, was visiting writer at the University of the West of England, and is a regular guest tutor at Oxford and Plymouth universities. She grew up travelling the world but moved to Bristol to complete her PhD in drama, and still lives in that city. Having been an RLF Advisory Fellow, Tina likes feeling that she can be part of the RLF’s commitment to developing new opportunities for its unique community of writers.

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