
News & Features

Check out the latest news from the RLF, WritersMosaic highlights, and Collected – our collection of interviews, reflections and articles exploring the literary life and world of writers today.

Lesley Glaister
Collected Podcast

Lesley Glaister

Lesley Glaister talks to Caroline Sanderson about the mysteries of the creative process, and the blend of dark and light…

Hidden Histories - Horses
Collected Article

Hidden Histories

Katie Hickman on discovering Josephine Waggoner, the first female Native American historian. Katie Hickman on Josephine Waggoner, the first female…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of woman by window thinking what to write with book birds flying past window.
Collected Audio

Pamela Scobie – Inspiration

A comic squib about domestic angst, which began ‘There’s a nasty niff in the downstairs loo’, developed its own agenda……

Writing on a train
Collected Podcast

How I Write, part 4

In ‘How I Write’, RLF writers discuss their favourite places to work. In this installment of ‘How I Write’, we…

Illustration by Fran Pulido of two books that look like open books next to a microphone.
Collected Audio

Vitali Vitaliev – The Writing Life

I do believe that, alongside metaphors, allegories and similes, a writer’s life itself is but another literary device to be…