Dissertation Guide
Our comprehensive guide to the process of writing a dissertation or thesis. Back to Student Resources
How do I prepare for a viva?
“I remember doing a radio interview early in my career. I was nervous because it had been six months since I had seen the proofs of the book I was being interviewed about and I had been working on completely different projects since. I prepared for the interview by looking at the book and making notes on postcards of what I might be asked and what I might want to say. The next day I did the interview, down-the-line from my local studio, and it went okay. The interviewer came back on the line immediately afterwards and said, “Thanks for that, it’s a pleasure to be interviewing an author who’s read his own book.” He told me that I would be amazed at the authors who assume they know what is the book. The same applies to a viva. Obvious advice like looking over the thesis, predicting possible questions, preparing your answers.”